General Check-up and Radiographs

General check-ups are important for early detection of dental problems and initiating appropriate treatment to save time, treatment costs and preventing painful episodes. We recommend general dental check-up at least once in six months. On your first visit we conduct a thorough examination of the problematic teeth, along with the rest of the mouth, to assess early signs of any tooth or gum disease. Presence of tooth decay, status of existing fillings, caps and bridges, presence of calculus (tar-tar), and condition of the soft tissues (gums) are assessed during the general check-up and the most appropriate treatment approaches are explained to you.

Clinical examination sometimes needs to be supported with diagnostic x-rays to: assess the extent and location of cavities (extending close to tooth pulp, cavities in between teeth and, cavities below gum line [root cavities], identify tooth abnormalities and root positions, evaluate the patterns of bone loss, and assess any abnormal swelling of the gums.